Zenless Zone Zero Equalizing Test Server Opening Announcement

Permission to enter the city has now been issued. Welcome to New Eridu!

Dear Proxies:

Permission to enter the city has now been issued. Welcome to New Eridu!

â–¼ Test Start Time â–¼

2023/11/24 11:00:00 (UTC+8)

â–¼ Test End Time â–¼

The test's end time will be announced separately. Please keep an eye out for further official announcements.

â–¼ Please Note â–¼

Your qualification for this test will be bound to the first device you log in with on a given platform, and each HoYoverse account can only be logged into with one PC, one Android, and one iOS device. If log-in occurs on a different device than the bound device for the platform, that account will be automatically banned.

Due to the possibility of account sharing and/or trading, such bans will not be removed for the duration of this test. At the same time, we would like to remind all Proxies to be wary of any account-sharing/transactions or selling of the test application and to protect your own personal information to avoid unnecessary losses.

â–¼ Game Issues & Suggestion Feedback â–¼

Should Proxies encounter any issues during the test, or have any suggestions, feedback can be given in-game. Proceed to the main menu via the button in the top-left corner of the main city interface. Next, select "More" - "Feedback" and choose an issue type, then fill in and submit your feedback.

We will continue to optimize and improve the game based on Proxies' feedback.


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